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2021 Goal: Do a cannonball with my life. Go all in, and not fear getting a little wet!

Karagan Osmann | 12 July, 2021

            2021 Goal: Do a cannonball with my life. Go all in, and not fear getting a little wet!

2021 Goal: Do a cannonball with my life. Go all in, and not fear getting a little wet!

Whether that means with S’moo, my relationship, my friendships or my overall goals – I just want to go ALL IN! ❤️

I read an analogy of life being like monopoly. Now, I’m not a big monopoly player but I like what it said. When you’re playing monopoly, the boardwalk is the most valuable property on the board. It can win you the game, but you take on some risk to buy and build there. In Monopoly, if you only put a little on the line, you won’t see much of a return. You really do have to go BIG to achieve your goals, move past the possibility of failure and more importantly, believe in yourself!

Isn’t that so a perfect analogy of achieving goals in life?! Now, I’m not saying we should go all put everything on the line without understanding the risk vs. reward, and I’m also not just talking about money!

What if today we just chose to be vulnerable and trust in our guts. Whether that means to love a little more, tell someone what we’re thinking, start that passion project we’ve been dreaming of, or even ditching the job that doesn’t fulfill you.

Big change always takes big risk – and I’m not saying that we should all go quit our jobs 😂 But more just identify how we can live our life in an all in kind of way.

For me, I want to make sure my love for the people in my life shines through EVERY SINGLE DAY. I want to go all in to be the best friend, partner, sister, family member, mentor I can be. And I want to give back every way I can!

Anyways, my thoughts for tonight concluded… Are you willing to risk failure, for potential success? Are you willing to take that step today or this month? The same article that prompted me to write this said “Don’t make a list; make a call” and I LOVE THAT. You might just be surprised that the dream you had is standing on the other side. ❤️

If you feel like sharing, what vulnerable step do you need to take next? Or what is your goal for 2021?

 P.S. Join me as I start my #Smoo45 challenge! Planners are available now on 💕